The Fifth Circuit is one end of the judicial barbed-wire surrounding Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club, preventing them from protecting women and the environment. The other twisted end originates from the death gavel of Clarence Thomas. Criminal defendants and child victims of gun violence fare no better. Purcell is the padlock on the ballot. We are all Miami Dade.

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I like to hear your thoughts on Devillier v. Texas and George Will's Opinion in the Washington Post today.

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What do you think of George Conway's recent piece in The Atlantic about Trump's appeal of the Colorado case, arguing that the Court agreed to hear his appeal even though Trump failed to delineate the specific issues he wanted the Court to adjudicate? (https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/01/trump-supreme-court-ballot-colorado-fourteenth-amendment/677049/)

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Thanks. As to all those major cases, the Supreme Court is tainted especially while Thomas continues to take part in the 1/6 cases. The abortion cases also underline the travesty of Dobbs. Which again is a result of a corrupt and tainted Court. The ethics code is of limited value here.

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Jan 8, 2024
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Those seem to me (a random layman) like plausible paths by which the Court might punt, and the Court is already highly inclined to punt. The problem with them is that they don't present particularly convincing arguments that there will be a result eventually, given a punt from SCOTUS. The degree to which this influences the decision-making of the Court probably depends on how Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett feel about the legitimacy and legitimacy-adjacent problems the Court has faced, what arguments they hear on the subject, and what arguments they make amongst each other.

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