Mine should be delivered today. Looking forward to reading it. At this stage I am focused on calling out the illegitimacy and corruption of this “court”. I do not think it’s power is compatible with a truly Democratic country. And, reading history, perhaps it was designed that way. It’s always been an un-Democratic institution that, with few exceptions, has existed to protect the wealthy and powerful to the exclusion of everything else.

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I look forward to your book. However, it seems to me that SCOTUS is not so much seeking to enhance its powers as it is responding to external forces. Most notably, Congress has abdicated its legislative responsibilities over recent decades leading to overly aggressive action by the executive branch. Both of these factors have forced the Court to take on an outsized role in addressing major issues that should be left to the political branches. Another is the proliferation of nationwide injunctions by lower courts in recent years, which often force early intervention by the Supreme Court. Maybe your book will prove me wrong.

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