Karen's Corner—March 2024
Why we are moving to DC; how to start using social media for networking; and a request for your best Paris recommendations
For those readers who are relatively new to “One First,” welcome to Karen’s Corner—a once-monthly bonus issue from Steve’s better half. Consider this less of a nerdy Supreme Court review, and more like the “One First After Dark,” where we get real about all things in the legal profession, parenthood, and life more generally.
Although the content of “One First” focuses almost exclusively on the Supreme Court and related topics (including every Monday issue and most of the Thursday bonus issues), we wanted to have at least some regular content for paid subscribers that focuses a little bit more on our lives. If you’re already a paid subscriber: thank you! And if not, now’s a good time to consider signing up for something that we hope will bring you a mix of education and enjoyment.
Steve will be back Monday with the free, boring stuff (as I’m writing this, he’s muttering about “what it means if no one has standing”). But if you’d like to hear about our upcoming move to D.C. or my suggestions for starting to use social media for networking, or if you have any great Paris suggestions, read on!